Tuesday, September 14, 2010

All about me

Hi everybody my name is Marco Castelli and I am 22 years old and this is my 3rd semester at Baruch. My major is Finance with a minor is psychology. I currently work at TD Bank as a customer service representative. I enjoy playing all sports from basketball to handball. I love anything outdoors, camping and fishing are some of my hobbies. This is just a brief overlook of who I am and what I stand for. If you'd like to know more please comment or feel free to come up to me in class. Thanks for reading :)


  1. What's up, we had class together in CIS with Shang. I thought you had a great name for your blog and thought your background was even better. Ron Burgundy is the man, "Baxter, you know I don't speak Spanish." Good luck with the rest of the semester and hopefully everything works out, take care.

  2. Marco, hi!
    Your profile background is cool, I like it. After this I think I should spend more time on mine to make it pretty or cool like yours:))

  3. Hey marco thanks for the post, and yeah I think we should definitely try to make this assignment as fun as possible. Throwing in some personality and a little bit of informality is much better then it being cut and dry. Points for the naked dude jumping in the pool !
